For 16 years, this community event was organized by The Historic Inns of Rockland. It raised more than $200,000 for the Area Interfaith Outreach (AIO) Food Pantry prior to the pandemic, through the generous participation and support from many local businesses.
In 2025, Rockland’s LimeRock Inn and Camden’s Blue Harbor House Inn have teamed with AIO to reestablish this wonderful tradition and help the community reengage in the fight to end food insecurity in Knox County. It will be held “Pi Day” weekend March 14th-16th.
• This year’s event will focus on the “Pie Parade”. There will be no silent auction or scavenger hunt, however, there may be some fun competition and online raffle prizes. We are working with the Strand to present pie-themed films and looking at the potential to have a few family-oriented, pie-based competitions with awards.
• We hope to involve dozens of area businesses and enlist at least 25 Pie Stops, offering up to 50 different sweet and savory pie samples to attendees.
• Based on historic attendance, our goal is to sell 350 tickets at $30 per person ($10 per child under 10 accompanied by an adult) in order to raise $10,000 for AIO Food Pantry.
• The ticket price will cover all Pie Stops and entry into the competitions, as well as special discounts at the Strand Theater, and other participating restaurants and businesses.
What are we asking of you? Be a Pie Stop! …or help sponsor the event!
1. Provide 350 samples of a sweet or savory pie, or one of each (~15 pies = ~350 samples). Portion size is up to you, but it is expected to be “bite-sized” given the number of stops.
2. Someone from your organization to help set up a table and help serve your samples either at your place of business, another participating business, or on Main Street in Rockland. AIO volunteers can be provided to help with set up and serving if needed.
3. Commit to putting up a poster for the event in your establishment and promoting it on your social media.
What benefits will you receive as a Pie Stop or supporting sponsor?
1. The most important benefit is helping to reduce hunger in Knox County. For 35 years, AIO has provided food and heating assistance to people and families in
need, and this event has been an important source of funding.
2. Your business will also receive advertising in local media, social media, and on posters across the county, as well as recognition on the POP Map, website, and social media.
3. 350+ visitors to your place of business or Pie Stop table.
4. The plates, napkins, and forks needed to provide your Pie Stop samples.
5. Two complimentary tickets to all Pies on Parade events
Tentative Schedule
Friday, March 14th
• Pie-themed food and drink specials at area restaurants
• Pie-themed film at the Strand Theater
Saturday, March 15th
- Pie Parade stops in Camden & Rockport (12 to 3:30pm)
- Pie competition open to all sponsors & ticket holders (4 to 5pm) [Potential Event TBD]
- Pie Baking Contest (unlimited entries)
- Pie Eating Contest (entries limited to number of Baking Contest pies submitted)
- Pie-themed food and drink specials at area restaurants
- Pie-themed film at the Strand Theater
Sunday, March 16th
- Pie competition open to all sponsors & ticket holders (11:00am) [Potential Event TBD]
- Great Pie Race and Toss Competition (Shaving Cream Pies!)
- Pie Parade stops in Rockland & Thomaston (12 to 3:30pm)
- Pie-themed food and drink specials at area restaurants
- Closing ceremony and pie-themed film at the Strand Theater [Time TBD]
- Pie Sales
- Pick up online raffle items
- Awarding of Pie Competition Prizes [Potential Event TBD]
Download the Form to enter here.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please call Sean at (207) 660-8797
or reach out to any member of our organizing committee:
Sean Padgett, LimeRock Inn –
Rockland Ashley Benson, LimeRock Inn –
Rockland Michelle Peacock, Blue Harbor House Inn, Camden –
Alan Kearl, AIO Food Market –