First Congregational Church of Camden Lenten and Easter Offerings

March 30, 2023

April 2: Palm Sunday—Our Gateway into Holy Week

We will remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem riding on a humble donkey. Everything about this story contrasts with the triumphant entry of war lords and emperors who rule the world by might. We will wave palms to welcome and celebrate Jesus though you will notice that the tone of the service will turn a bit more somber toward the end. We do so because we know that the crowds which welcomed Jesus with loud “Hosannas” will reject Jesus as the drama of the week unfolds. (This is also why we burn the palms from Palm Sunday to use as the ashes for the Ash Wednesday Service the following year).

However, following the service, we will maintain some of that celebratory tone for our procession to Laite Beach in Camden, palms in hand. The Christian Education Committee is sponsoring an outdoor picnic at the Beach. Our programming efforts emphasize an intergenerational approach so, while we anticipate families with children participating, we also welcome anyone interested to join us. Please let Elizabeth Lally know by Wednesday, March 29, if you are planning to participate.

April 6: Maundy Thursday Supper and Tenebrae Service
6:30 pm Meal in Person and 7:30 pm Hybrid Service with Communion

Maundy Thursday invites us to remember and experience the events of the night of the Last Supper which was also the night Jesus was betrayed by his closest friends and later arrested. The word Maundy refers to the “new commandment” to love one another which Jesus gave to his disciples (which means students) that night. We will begin our evening with a shared meal in the Pilgrim Room for those who can attend in person. We will explore the Jewish context of the Passover Meal and retell portions of the Story of the Last Supper from John’s Gospel. There will be an opportunity for foot or handwashing for anyone who would like to participate.

Following the meal, we will proceed to the sanctuary for our Hybrid service which will include communion. We will also experience dramatic readings which show how one disciple after another betrays Jesus. After each betrayal, more candles are extinguished. By the end of the service, we will find ourselves facing the night of our own confusion, fear, and betrayals.

April 7: Good Friday
On Good Friday, April 7, at 12:00 noon, all are invited to gather for our ecumenical Good Friday Service at Chestnut Street Baptist Church. The service will most likely focus on the Stations of the Cross which tell the story of Jesus’ trial, suffering and death. (Please look for updates on whether online participation will be possible).

April 9: Easter Sunday
6:00 am Sunrise Service at Camden Yacht Club and 9:30 am Hybrid Service in the Sanctuary

6Holy Week culminates with our Easter Sunday celebrations as we gratefully affirm the power of the spirit of resurrection in our midst. The powers of destruction and denial of love will not have the final word in our lives! Join us at 6:00 am at the Camden Yacht Club on Bayview Street for our Easter Sunrise Service. Goodies and coffee will be served after the service. Our 9:30 am Hybrid Easter Sunday celebration will feature music by Midcoast Brass and our choir. Please be sure to come early for the celebratory prelude music to lift your spirits.

Header Image Courtesy of 16 Bay View

25 Park Street Suite 2

Rockland, Maine 04841
2 Public Landing

Camden, Maine 04843
Weekdays: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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Header Image Courtesy of Moments in Maine

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25 Park Street Suite 2

Rockland, Maine 04841
2 Public Landing

Camden, Maine 04843
Mid-May through Mid-October

Weekdays: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Weekends and Holidays: 10:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.

The rest of the year:

Weekdays: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Header Photo Courtesy of Camden Snow Bowl/Dave Waddell

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