Camden, Maine — The Friends of Music Concert Series, an outreach program of The First Congregational Church of Camden, is pleased to present master guitarist Aaron Larget–Caplan inconcert on Sunday, April 7, at 4:00 pm in the church sanctuary.
Acclaimed guitarist and composer, Aaron Larget-Caplan, returns to Camden for an exciting tour-de-force concert celebrating music from his latest albums which have reached over 6-million streams. In particular, you’ll hear works by J.S. Bach, various Spanish composers, and Maine composer and Bowdoin faculty member, Vineet Shende, not to mention several works by Larget-Caplan himself.
Friends of Music concerts are free and open to the public. Donations are cheerfully accepted at the door or can be made by mailing a check to First Congregational Church, 55 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843 noting “Friends of Music” on the memo line; OR, donating electronically via the church website at (click the “donate” button and enter your desired donation into the “Friends of Music” account). For the complete 2024 Friends of Music lineup, visit, find us on Facebook, or call the Church office at 207-236-4821.
Photo Caption and Calendar Listing: Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan will present a concert in the sanctuary of First Congregational Church, 55 Elm Street, Camden, on Sunday, April 7, at 4:00 pm. Free of charge.