Rockland–Join Penobscot Bay Language School for a Russian language cultural event entitled Tea, Blini, and Matryoshka (nesting doll) Painting. The event is based on Russian language and the cultural traditions that surround it (open to all!). Participants will be sampling tea and snacks traditional to the cultures of the area, and painting the famous “Matryoshka” (stacking) dolls. The event is only $15 per person (and you get to keep your stacking dolls!). Limited space–Register today at
Founded in 1986 as a nonprofit language school and center for cultural exchange, Penobscot Bay Language School has served thousands of local and international students of all ages through language classes and intercultural programming. Over three decades later they continue to promote their mission: To develop and provide opportunities for the people of Midcoast Maine and around the World to explore our shared experience on Earth through the study and celebration of language and culture.
Press Contact: Jared McCannell, 207-594-1084,