The Rockport Public Library will host a show of handmade works by members of the library’s fiber arts group from December 4 through January 18. The exhibition will span both floors of the library and will feature knitting, felting, weaving, quilting, embroidery, paper arts, and more.
The group of midcoast-based crafters has been meeting at the Rockport Library for eleven years. Anne Perschon, spokesperson for the group, says, “Our friendly gatherings are a great place to ask questions, share tips, and enjoy the company of like-minded artists.” Another member of the group recently said, “It is impossible to leave this group in a bad mood. We really do laugh a lot! This is a good opportunity to get out with others and tackle that art project you just never finished.”
The fiber arts group meets on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Rockport Library. Gatherings are usually informal, but mini-workshops are also occasionally conducted. The group is open to everyone and welcomes new members. For more information, visit